Monday, March 5, 2012

#32--Little Rock Marathon

Little Rock, Arkansas
March 4, 2012

This one was another adventure.  I had signed up to do this early spring race each of the last two years, but could not make it either time.  This was going to be the year!

My flight out of Omaha was delayed and I was re-booked onto another flight.  I was still scheduled to get into Little Rock at 1:30PM, well before the expo and packet pick-up closed at 6.  When I got to Atlanta I discovered that my flight to Little Rock was delayed until 4PM!  There was an hour time difference, so I was still scheduled to get in at 4:30.  No problem, I thought.  We boarded the flight and were promptly told that there was a maintenance issue that would take 45 minutes to fix.  I began to fidget a bit.  The marathon instruction book clearly stated that there would be no late packet pickup, NO EXCEPTIONS.

The flight finally leaves and we land in Little Rock at 5:22PM.  The expo would close in 38 minutes, but the airport was close, so I still should be able to make it.  Unfortunately, there were no taxis anywhere.  I ran up and down the airport frantically looking for a cab.  I called every company I could find in my iPhone.  A cab finally showed up at 5:55.  I told him to hurry.  I arrived at the expo 10 minutes late, was told that they had just made an announcement that packet pick up was closed.  I ran to packet pick up and pleaded my case.  A very nice volunteer grabbed my packet out of the box and handed it to me.  I had barely made it.

After the stress of that, the race was easy.  There was a nice pre-race pasta party at the host hotel.  The race started at 8 AM with temperatures in the low 40s.  It was sunny and breezy.  Temperatures quickly climbed into the 50s, and were in the mid 60's at the end of the race.  Pretty good conditions.

The course was nice, mixing in downtown with some of the historic neighborhoods and parks.  I think it would be better to visit Little Rock a little later in the spring, but it probably gets too hot then.  After the half-marathon runners split of at mile 13, the course had a series of fairly steep climbs until mile 16.  The course flattened out with two more climbs set to greet runners at mile 24.

I finished just over 4:37, which has been a pretty steady trend for a while now.  I felt great and didn't have any of the IT band issues that have plagued my last two races.  There was plenty of recovery food and fuel at the finisher's area along the Arkansas River.  There was a post-race party later that night with local BBQ and music.

This was the 10th running of the Little Rock Marathon.  The locals are very proud of the race and have good reason to be.  The theme changes each year with this year being Disco.  Little Rock is famous for the finisher's medal.  It is literally as big as your head!  I'll post a picture later.

I can definitely recommend running Little Rock, but I would recommend getting there a little earlier next time!!

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