Friday, June 10, 2011

Injury Prevention 101

I love taking care of runners, because we are dedicated and passionate.  It is gratifying to help somebody return to or continue doing something that I know means so much to them.  With that being said, I'd be glad if I never saw another runner with an injury in clinic, because that would mean they were out doing what they love instead of trying to recover.  Unfortunately, injuries do happen.

Some of the more common ailments I see are patellar tendonitis, achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis.  Without going into boring details, a great number of these "-itises" can be treated with some simple stretching exercises, or better yet, prevented all together.

I've included a link to our patient education page that demonstrates proper hamstring and calf stretching exercises.  Try to make time to incorporate these stretches before and after your daily run.

Happy Running!

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